This assessment set is designed for parents to be able to pre-assess their perceived training needs. That is, what are the areas of knowledge and particular skills that might benefit from further learning? The questions are based on the desired learning outcomes of the Parents 4 All learning materials and cover themes such as key concepts (e.g. self-identity, integration and interculturalism), practices (e.g. communication, customs) as well as laws and policies (especially in relation to education).

Please read the statements below carefully. You are then asked to rate where you stand in relation to the statement. The rating scale is as follows:

5 = Strongly agree

4 = Agree

3 = Don’t know

2 = Disagree

1 = Strongly disagree

Please choose the rating that you feel best represents your current level of confidence with the knowledge/skills highlighted by the questions. Be as honest as possible – people often have a tendency to over-rate their competences. This is an excellent chance for you to truly assess which areas of knowledge and/or skills need more work!